The beginning of summer vacation always feels like there will be plenty of time to get out and do fun things before the kiddos go back to school, but then it’s always over again before we know it! Planning some events to look forward to ahead of time is a great way to avoid letting these days slip away! Here are some of our favorite summertime activities in Miami for 2023!
Okay, to be fair, this one is just for the kids. But their weekly day camps just look so cool that we just had to include it! Whether your kids are into dinosaurs or space or something in between they will find a camp they’re excited about! Their sessions do repeat so each one has an early summer and late summer session. Their camps are all day and include lunch. Check out their site for details and pricing.
The wide variety of summer camps being offered through Miami-Dade Parks & Rec is nothing short of impressive! Sports camps, nature camps, performing arts camps… you really just have to check this list out for yourself! Prices and details vary by camp, but the link above will get you to the right starting point!
Okay, this one isn’t a fancy camp or organized event, but hear us out. We live in a place where people from other places wait all year to travel for just a few days. When was the last time you and your family got out to enjoy it like vacationers? Plan a day to spend at the beach with the whole family. Pack a picnic lunch, your beach umbrella, and don’t forget the sunscreen! It sounds too simple, but it’s such a great time and you’ll be making lifelong memories with your family in the process! Do you have some other summer events in Miami that you love? We want to hear about them, so let us know! The Kern Team is made up of your neighbors here in Miami and we love this city just like you do!