How to Get Ready for an Open House

drews open signHosting an open house is a great way to get lots of potential buyers through your door. You just need to make sure your home is ready to be seen.

It’s important for buyers to envision how they will use your space. Sometimes the best way to prepare is to stage your home so that it looks inviting but not too lived in. To get ready for an open house, use these tips:

Clean Up

Too much stuff on the kitchen counter or other surfaces can turn buyers off. Clutter makes it hard for visitors to picture themselves and their stuff in your home. You should consider putting some of your excess things in storage.  A thorough cleaning should be done before the open house.

Get Rid of Odors

No one wants to walk into a smelly home. You may be used to your home’s smell, so ask a friend or your realtor’s opinion. A good cleaning will freshen things up. If you have pets, give them baths and clean the litter boxes.

Make Minor Repairs

People will notice things like dripping faucets or slow drains, and these things are fairly easy to repair. Also, replace burned-out light bulbs and make other minor, but noticeable, repairs.

Organize Cabinets and Closets

Storage space is an important selling point for your home, so people will likely look in your cabinets and closets. You don’t want them to be a cluttered mess. This gives the impression that the storage spaces are smaller than they actually are.

Do Some Yard Work

Mowing your lawn and doing some minor landscaping will enhance your home’s curb appeal. This can go a long way in ensuring that your home makes a good first impression.

If you’re planning to sell your home, get in touch with Drew Kern Real Estate. We can help you get your home ready for an open house. Give us a call at 305-329-7744.