Prepping your Miami home for a sale

Making the extra little effort when selling your home can go a long way. Following these tips when selling can set you up for success—and better offers.

Make a repair plan

Every home will go through wear and tear. Small things, like little chips or dings, may go unnoticed. But larger problems, especially visible ones, can affect how buyers see your home. To avoid this, you should identify repairs that should be done and make a list. This is something we do with our clients ideally six months before they intend to put their home on the market. 

We’ll go over the details that buyers will ask about and make sure you don’t overspend on items that will not improve your sale price nor make it easier to sell. 

Clean your home

When selling a home, it’s best to keep rooms and hallways clean and neat. Buyers want to look at the home, its structure, layout, etc. They’re less interested in your personal items. 

Keep your home tidy by putting away excess furniture and things you don’t need immediately. Tip: this also helps out with starting the packing process. The easiest way (besides hiring a home organizer) is to categorize everything – keep, donate, and toss. Start throwing away the items in the toss pile and donating the items that are in the donate pile. 

Gather documents

We have a streamlined process to help you with all of these aspects so it is not overbearing. 

Mortgage payoff statement

A mortgage payoff statement is a document that states the amount needed to pay off your mortgage, interest and fees. Title companies will often request the payoff statement from your lender before authorizing a sale. 

Homeowners insurance

Having homeowners insurance is more than likely a requirement of your mortgage. 

HOA documents

If your property is part of a Homeowners Association (HOA), you should gather all the necessary documentation regarding rules and finances. 

Property tax records

As the seller, you’ll have to provide documentation on what property taxes are outstanding. And buyers will need to know what their incoming property taxes will be. 

State disclosure forms

Most states require home sellers to fill out state disclosure forms, detailing any knowledge regarding any problems with the property or structure.

Records of repairs & maintenance

Keeping detailed records of your home’s repair and maintenance history can be incredibly important. Having a record of what was done and when can go a long way. 

Stage your home

This doesn’t mean that you need to hire professional stagers to prepare their homes (though it might be beneficial), but you should approach the room layout with a pragmatic eye. For example: if you converted the dining room into a game room, shifting it back to its traditional use will help people envision themselves in your home and be more inclined to put in an offer. 

In short: stage your furniture to maximize the photos potential buyers may take. You should also mow your grass, have a clean exterior, and fresh paint are all things you can do to stage your home. 

Finding the right real estate agent

This last part is key. Some say it’s probably the most important part. You’ll want to partner with the right real estate agent or team who can help you navigate the moving process. Like the Kern Team.

The Drew Kern Team is an award-winning real estate team, with each agent coming with their own network of industry professionals. If you’re looking to sell in Miami, the Drew Kern Team is your team! Give us a call today to set up your free consultation.