
July 25, 2023

Successfully Split Up Real Estate During a Divorce

A term we’ve been hearing lately is “ethical uncoupling.” It sounds a little fussy, but it is also a good way to describe what a divorce is meant to do. Separate your lives leaving each one as intact as possible while being fair about what each partner will leave the relationship with. This includes any real estate owned within the marriage. Good News: The Kern Team Can Help We want to be clear that we’re not attorneys and are not here to give you legal advice. As Realtors we can offer our expert advice on real estate matters only. What we can tell you is that our experience tells us the simplest way to split up real estate during a […]
July 18, 2023

Selling Your Home in a High Conflict Divorce

Divorce is messy. When there are assets that need to be divided up it gets messier. And when those assets are relatively illiquid and have sentimental value that is likely higher for one party than the other, the propensity for contentious arguments rises considerably.  The most important thing when you’re involved in a high-conflict divorce and dividing up assets that include real estate is to work with one agent who is experienced in selling homes during a divorce. Don’t Hurt Yourself to Hurt Your Soon-to-be Ex It’s happened before — one party is willing to take a loss as long as it hurts their soon-to-be ex more than it does them. The truth is there’s no value in reducing the sale […]
July 18, 2023

Coordinating a Home Sale During a Divorce

Home sales involve a lot of pieces and moving parts, but if you’re going through a divorce, there are a few extra things that need to be coordinated correctly to make sure everything goes smoothly. Working with a Realtor who is experienced in this situation is a must. Where Are You in the Process? Every situation is a bit different, so deciding when the best time to sell your home is something both parties should discuss with their attorneys.  If you already have your divorce settlement agreement in hand it will give direction as to how funds will be distributed once your home closes. It’s a good idea to have both of your attorneys look over the final contract before […]
July 4, 2023

How to Pick a Realtor While Getting Divorced

There are simple ways to ensure that selling your home while in the process of getting divorced doesn’t add to your stress levels. We already know that in can be beneficial to expedite a divorce settlement to sell the home before the settlement is finalized. The best way to accomplish this is to pick the right realtor.  Here is what you need to know when picking a realtor while getting divorced: Finding a Realtor Experienced Working With Divorcing Property Owners  The reality is that homes are often the most valuable asset a couple owns. Even when it isn’t the most valuable, it is still high up on the list and commonly the most contested asset during divorce proceedings. In a […]