
September 12, 2023

How to Make the Most of Your Open House

In the age of virtual tours planning an open house might seem too retro, but we’re here to tell you overall it is still worth the time and effort. It’s important to make the most of the event. An open house is a valuable opportunity to show your home dozens of times in just a few hours. The setting is more casual – for some buyers the ability to see several homes in a day without having to schedule a showing is a big bonus. You want to make sure that your home leaves a good impression in their minds.  Here’s what you need to make the most of an Open House: Make a To Do List To have a successful open […]
September 5, 2023

The Best Ways to Market Your Miami Home For Sale

Whether you’re a first-time seller or an experienced homeowner, listing your home for sale in Miami is a big decision. There are many factors at play that are out of your control – such as interest rates and market conditions –  so it’s important to take full advantage of the aspects you can impact. In short: the best way to market your Miami home is by presenting your home’s best qualities to the right audience. We’ve compiled a list of the best ways to market your home to find the best buyer. Work with Professional Realtors This starts with a team of experienced Realtors – like The Kern Team. A good realtor (or team of realtors) will start with a walkthrough of your […]
August 22, 2023

What is the Best Strategy for Negotiating with Home Buyers?

Whether you have one offer on the table or a bidding war for your property, part of selling your home is negotiation with buyers. Thinking through your strategy and goals helps prevent the process of selling your home from becoming emotional. Working with an experienced Realtor team gives you a buffer, but you’ll still be making all final decisions. So, You Have an Offer… Once offers start rolling in you’ll need to have an idea of how and when you want to respond to them. It’s tempting to reply right away, but it’s not always the best course of action. Letting the buyer’s agent know that all offers will be considered and responded to on a given day is one […]
August 15, 2023

What You Need to Know About Pricing a House

When it’s time to sell your home figuring out what price you want to ask is a big decision. The more you know about what goes into it and how it works the less intimidating it is. Working with an experienced agent means you don’t have to dive into the deep end of pricing, but it’s good to be informed. Start With the Basics Determining the current market value for your home is mostly a matter of location, condition, and comparison. We look at similar homes for sale, or recently sold, in your neighborhood to get an idea of what listing price will be best for your home. If there is a recently sold home of a similar size, condition, […]
August 8, 2023

What’s the Best Determining Factor for the Listing Price for My Home?

If we had to pick one factor that every single homeowner has to consider when deciding on a listing price it would be location. While you’re in the early stages of deciding if you’re ready to sell, looking at how other, similar homes in your neighborhood are priced is a good place to start. When you’re ready to get serious though you’ll need to dig a little deeper. Get a Comparative Market Analysis A CMA is a more formal evaluation of sales and listings within your area. Working with an experienced agent is the easiest way to get expert input about all aspects of listing and selling your home. Creating a custom CMA for your home is one of the first things […]
August 1, 2023

How to Determine the Asking Price for My Home

There’s a saying in real estate: no one knows the current market rate better than someone in the market to buy a home right now.  Deciding on what price to ask for your home involves considering several factors. The first step is to choose an experienced local Realtor team – ideally after interviewing multiple Realtors. Working with agents takes the guesswork out of most of these factors for you. We provide you information about the current market as well as the other homes both currently listed and recently sold in your neighborhood, and help you understand how that applies to your home’s ideal asking price. Set Your Goals It might seem like the goal is always to get the most […]
July 25, 2023

Successfully Split Up Real Estate During a Divorce

A term we’ve been hearing lately is “ethical uncoupling.” It sounds a little fussy, but it is also a good way to describe what a divorce is meant to do. Separate your lives leaving each one as intact as possible while being fair about what each partner will leave the relationship with. This includes any real estate owned within the marriage. Good News: The Kern Team Can Help We want to be clear that we’re not attorneys and are not here to give you legal advice. As Realtors we can offer our expert advice on real estate matters only. What we can tell you is that our experience tells us the simplest way to split up real estate during a […]
July 18, 2023

Selling Your Home in a High Conflict Divorce

Divorce is messy. When there are assets that need to be divided up it gets messier. And when those assets are relatively illiquid and have sentimental value that is likely higher for one party than the other, the propensity for contentious arguments rises considerably.  The most important thing when you’re involved in a high-conflict divorce and dividing up assets that include real estate is to work with one agent who is experienced in selling homes during a divorce. Don’t Hurt Yourself to Hurt Your Soon-to-be Ex It’s happened before — one party is willing to take a loss as long as it hurts their soon-to-be ex more than it does them. The truth is there’s no value in reducing the sale […]
July 18, 2023

Coordinating a Home Sale During a Divorce

Home sales involve a lot of pieces and moving parts, but if you’re going through a divorce, there are a few extra things that need to be coordinated correctly to make sure everything goes smoothly. Working with a Realtor who is experienced in this situation is a must. Where Are You in the Process? Every situation is a bit different, so deciding when the best time to sell your home is something both parties should discuss with their attorneys.  If you already have your divorce settlement agreement in hand it will give direction as to how funds will be distributed once your home closes. It’s a good idea to have both of your attorneys look over the final contract before […]