Drew Kern

May 2, 2017

Signs You’re Ready to Sell Your House

Obviously, all sellers want to get the best price for their home, but knowing when the time is right to get top dollar can be pretty tricky. In reality, there are two key factors you need to balance: a frank and honest assessment of both the market and your personal situation. From my experience, here are a few tell-tale signs that you’re ready to make the move. You Have Equity The reason that you often hear that you should stay in your home for five to seven years before you consider selling is based on the amount of equity homeowners (with a mortgage) have built in that timeframe plus market appreciation. Equity refers to your home’s value minus any outstanding […]
April 11, 2017

Why You Should List Your House in the Spring

Spring kicks off one of the busiest times for home sales. The holidays are over and most buyers want to be settled into a new house by the next school year. No matter what the state of the market looks like, there is usually an increase in inventory during the spring, creating an exciting time for buyers. If you’re ready to sell your home, get ready to list it this spring. Prices Are Usually Higher In some industries, increased inventory lowers prices, but the opposite can be true in real estate. Prices tend to be higher in the prime season, when the most homes are listed. Even though buyers will have more options during the spring, the better homes on […]
April 4, 2017

Do Open Houses Really Help You Sell Your Home?

When you put your home on the market, you want it to get as much attention as it can. One timeless way to get noticed and let potential buyers connect with your home is by holding an open house. Today, most homebuyers start their search online, but that doesn’t mean that an open house is no longer a valuable sales tool. A National Association of Realtors survey found that 45% of homebuyers said they used open houses as a major source of information as part of their home search.  If you decide to hold an open house, these tips can help ensure that it’s a success. Market the Open House If you’ve driven through Pinecrest on a Sunday recently, you’ve […]
March 29, 2017

5 Tips for First-Time Home Sellers

So much attention surrounds first-time homebuyers, but selling a home for the first time is an equally daunting task and is completely different from buying. Sellers sometimes incorrectly believe that because they have been through the buying process, they know how to sell their home. In fact, there are many intricacies to selling a home that you don’t experience when you buy. If you’re a first-time home seller, these five tips will help you make the most of your sale: 1. Hire an Experienced Realtor.  This should go without saying, but hiring an experienced realtor is the most important selling decision you will make. We’d encourage you to interview a couple rather than going with the part-time realtor that you […]
March 21, 2017

How Sellers Can Enhance a Home’s Curb Appeal to Lure Buyers

Everyone knows the importance of making a good first impression. Well, the same is true for your home. The front yard, front door, and drive way can make a major impression on buyers, so if you’re selling your home, make sure it has excellent curb appeal. Curb appeal is important in luring buyers who are driving around a particular neighborhood looking for a new home or those browsing for homes online. The National Association of Realtors estimates that 63% of homebuyers will stop by a home that they like online. But it doesn’t just get people to stop and look. It also encourages offers. Once they’ve decided they like how the home looks, buyers are more likely to overlook something they don’t like (like the size of […]
February 28, 2017

10 Kitchen-Staging Tips for a Home Sale

Kitchens are the heart of a home. It’s where families gather for meal times and where celebrations are typically held. And if you do any entertaining, you know that everyone ends up in the kitchen no matter what. When you’re staging your home for a sale, help potential buyers visualize themselves in your beautiful kitchen. You want to show off a fresh, clean, and spacious area. They will create an emotional attachment to your home — and, hopefully make an offer. To get your kitchen ready and looking its best for a showing, use these 10 staging tips: Get the kitchen professionally cleaned. Obviously, you want an immaculately clean kitchen to show off. A worthwhile investment is to hire a professional cleaner. Professionals will make […]
February 21, 2017

6 Common Home-Staging Offenses Sellers Make

When you’re selling your home, there’s so much to do. But, a seller’s top job is to make their home looks as presentable as possible to attract buyers. Properly staging your home is one of the best ways to help your home sell as quickly as possible. Staging shows off your home’s best features and helps potential buyers imagine their families living there. However, some sellers fail to put their best foot forward when staging their home for a sale. Here are the top six staging offenses that we have seen sellers commit: Lingering around when buyers come.  Homeowners sometimes choose to linger around when agents bring potential buyers by to see the house. This can lead to some awkward encounters. We ask our sellers to step out so we can […]
February 14, 2017

5 Tips for Millennial Homebuyers

Many millennials choose to rent because they think buying a home is out of their reach. In reality, there are many opportunities for millennial-age first-time homebuyers out there. Buying a first home at any age is a great investment. It gives you the chance to begin building equity and take advantage of tax deductions on mortgage interest and other benefits. It also provides a sense of accomplishment. If you’re a millennial and thinking about buying a home, these tips will help: Don’t assume you can’t afford it. Buying a home is a major expense, but it’s also a big investment. For some millennials, it may sound little daunting. But, in many cases, buying a home is actually cheaper than renting. In Miami-Dade and Broward […]
February 7, 2017

Tired of Renting? 5 Signs It’s Time to Buy a Home

As a renter, you live by your landlord’s set of rules, and you won’t see a return on your investment of all those rent checks you’ve sent over the years. When you’re ready for a little more freedom in your living space and the chance to build some equity, it’s time to consider buying a home. Buying a home is an important financial milestone for most adults. If you’ve been thinking about making the big step from renting to buying, consider these five signs that it’s time to buy: You want more control over your environment.  Do you constantly think about knocking down a wall to make your bedroom bigger, adding a swimming pool, or converting your garage into a man cave? If the answer is yes, you […]